Lobster_data 4.5 EN

Lobster_data 4.5

Lobster_data: 4.5 (Status: 05.04.2023)

The patch level of 05/04/2023 does not yet include the fixes for failover behavior under Java-11.

The update contained in the download section is only to be used for_data2022 (Version 4.1) installations!
If you have a version 3 installation, please do NOT install this update!
Customers with version 3 please contact the support for an update to Lobster_data 4.1.
Starting with the next release only the SMBMountManager will be supported for SMB communication.
SFTP notation “username | path_to_certificate” is no longer supported as of 4.1

Good preparation is the be-all and end-all

  • With a good preparation before each update you save time and avoid problems afterwards.
  • If you have any questions about the update or need assistance, please feel free to contact Lobster_data Support!

ToDos before each update

  • Stop the Lobster_data service
  • Take a snapshot of your VM or Integration Server
  • Make a backup of the repository database

Recommendations for each update

  • Always run the update on the test system first (if available)
  • Extensively test the most important profiles and communication paths from/to your partners
  • After a successful test phase, perform the update on both the production system and the DMZ server (if available)
  • After a successful update, always install the latest patch_all

Important: Internal _data and connected DMZ must always be on the same version and patch-level!

Updating the JDK version

  • Currently the released JDK is Java 11 for version 4.5. Please keep this JDK 11 on a current update level.
  • Since Oracle will only provide its support of Java for a fee after January 2019, experience has shown that the following alternative can be used:
  • On most Unix systems, OpenJDK should be able to be installed via the internal package manager. It may be necessary to adapt the repository.

Installation Instructions

  • Please put the update installer Update450.jar directly into the installation directory of the IS.
  • Stop your Lobster Integration Server service.
  • Open a CommandShell with administrative rights.
  • Change to the root directory of the Lobster_data installation.
  • Set the variable JAVA_HOME depending on your OS with the command: set or export JAVA_HOME=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk11.xxxx
  • Then call the installer with “C:/Program Files/Java/jdk11.xxxx/bin/java” -jar Update450.jar.
  • Follow the instructions of the update program
  • After completion of the installation the IS must be started with a Windows system as ./bin/hub.bat that ready patches are pulled. (Happens with Linux also with a service start)
  • After installation of the update please remove the Update450.jar again.
If you are unsure, just ask us at support@lobster.de.


Update to Lobster_data 4.5 not yet recommended for loadbalance/failover installations!

With the Lobster_data update to version 4.5 an update of the JDK to version 11 is always necessary.
Unfortunately it turned out that there are minor changes in the handling of IP sockets and their exceptions in Java 11.

As far as we know, this only affects the communication between nodes of a loadbalance installation (especially the failover mechanism). This leads in some constellations to unwanted failover at the startup of a LB environment and possibly also to so-called split-brain situations (2 nodes are node controllers at the same time).

However, it is also important for the smooth operation of a LoadBalance environment that all installed systems are operated at the same pach level. This applies to the NodeController with the associated WorkingNodes as well as to all connected DMZ systems.
Our development team is currently working on a Lobster_data-side correction of this socket behavior.
We expect to be able to provide a corresponding patch in the near future, which will also prevent these misconstellations under Java 11.
We recommend to wait until this patch is available before updating LB installations.

Thank you for your understanding
Your Lobster_data Support Team

Clues: If you are still using a file-based license (license.zip), the following messages are expected:

Trying to read system configuration
System is configured for product XXXX, features XX and installation XXX
load of license failed: no fitting license found for installation ID XXX
WIBU or cloud based access failed, retry 1 in 10 seconds
load of license failed: no fitting license found for installation ID XXX
WIBU or cloud based access failed, retry 2 in 10 seconds
load of license failed: no fitting license found for installation ID XXX
WIBU or cloud based access failed, retry 3 in 10 seconds
load of license failed: no fitting license found for installation ID XXX
Checking legacy license
System is licensed to XXXX
License expires at XXXX


Note: When using a V4 or cloud license please activate the following entries in etc/system.conf

# If set to true, no local access is attempted to get the USB-based license.
disableLocalCheck = true

# If set to true, no LAN access is attempted to get the USB-based license.
disableLANCheck = true


With version 4.5 a misbehavior of certain templates ([#.###] [#.##0] [#,###] [#,##0]) of BigDecimal, Float and Double was changed. This can be straightened automatically when running the update.

If the transport manager is to be used between a version 4.1 and a version 4.5, it is mandatory to install the current patch_all (as of 08/18/2022 or later) on BOTH systems. I.e. system 4.1 must have the current patch_all for 4.1, and system 4.5 must have the current patch_all for 4.5.

Transfers from 4.5 to earlier versions (<4.5) are not possible!

Innovations Summary

  • Pop-up blockers can prevent windows from being opened in a new tab (also affects some downloads). The browser hint is often not clearly visible, so please make sure that pop-ups are allowed in your browser.
  • Previously, the tooltips in tables (e.g. descriptions and history) were placed on a whole row. For performance reasons and optics while scrolling, the tooltip is now only on the status icon on the left in each row.
  • In the DataFlow/Workflow diagram, the right-click does not count as a selection (in contrast to the tables), so a left-click must happen beforehand.
  • Number of rows in a table and controls such as column visibility, multiselect, display, etc. are now in the table’s burger menu at the top left.
  • The “Rerender” menu item is now available in every burger menu of tables and trees. Browsers often change their display mechanisms and if rows should be displayed empty or something appears unusual with the display expanded/folded, this function offers the possibility of redrawing the content.
  • The dashboard stand-alone link now runs via “board” instead of “dashboard”: https://url/_data/board?token=xxx The client (ID) and the update time (in seconds) can be transferred via the “client” and “refresh” parameters. With “&dmz=true” the DMZ can be integrated into the dashboard.
  • The upload component shows the status of the file upload. If only one file is allowed there, but another (or additional) file is to be processed/uploaded, the old entry must first be removed using the “x”.
  • Wildcards can now be used in the text search fields in tables (e.g. Logs Overview). You can use “*” to match any character or start your search term with “!” to negate the search expression.
  • Profiles can now be found under the “Modules” section.
  • The user menu of the registered user is now always visible and is stored in the top right corner. The currently selected client is now also in this status bar. On pages that apply to all clients, it will be displayed as “All clients”. There is a button between the client and user menu that activates the help mode and also displays the unread chat messages.
  • The internal chat is now located in the help layout.
  • Blacklists and whitelists for file uploads can now be defined in different areas. More details are available here: https://www.lobster-world.com/online/_data/docs/45/en/Blacklist_and_Whitelists_for_File_Extensions.html · The monitor plain jsp was replaced by: https://url/dw/monitor/v1
  • New in the _data package is the Lobster REST API viewer for JSON and YAML: https://url/dw/spi/oas/v1/api and https://url/api?endpoint=<URL-Suffix-von-Profil>
  • A new version of WebMonitor2 called WebInsight has already been developed for _data 4.1. For copyright reasons, the name has now been changed to DataCockpit in 4.5 and can be reached via the following address: https://url/DataCockpit
  • If you want to use SSO (SingleSignOn) or 2-factor authentication, please refer to the online documentation for the necessary steps.
  • Mail Channel of Partner Management has received OAuth2 support (Microsoft is also gradually converting its IMAP login to OAuth2). If Lobster_data should also use OAuth2 for sending, please look for the text “setMailChannel” in the sample_startup.xml and apply the adjusted entries.
  • The collaboration mode was removed and will be completely redone in the next version

Lobster_data Release Notes

Basics about patches

Basics about patches

Starting with version Lobster_data 4.0ZC, it is sufficient to place the ZIP file in directory ./etc/update/patches (ZIP must not be unpacked!).

To start the installation of the patches please proceed as follows:

1) Stop application (= Integration Server).

2) Start application in a shell/console. Under Windows: Do not start as service!

3) You should see messages similar to the following in the shell/console output:


Looking for downloaded patches to install… please wait

Patching base classes

Processed patch file ‘patch_all.zip’…
Finished…(installed 1 patche(s) )

How can you check that a patch_all has been installed?

Let us assume that the patch_all.zip contains the file ViewLog.class in the subdirectory de/lobster/webmon/handler.
This file corresponds to the Java class de.lobster.webmon.handler.ViewLog (Java classes contain individual program components of Lobster_data).
In the Admin Console you can check where a class is loaded from under ‘Tools/Find Class’.
To do so, simply enter the class name ‘de.lobster.webmon.handler.ViewLog’ (so without the .class) in field ‘Class to look for’ and then click ‘Start Search’.If your patch has been installed correctly, the searched class should now be loaded from a directory below ./patch.

Patches for Version 4.5 (Status: 05.04.2023)




_data (nicht für DMZ benötigt)

Dokumentation (Stand: 24.10.2022)

Wenn Sie die online-Dokumentation lokal nutzen wollen, können Sie diese hier herunterladen. Um diese mit dem _data zu verknüpfen, nutzen Sie in der startup.xml den Eintrag:

<Set name=”documentationUrl”>https://localhost/your_help_folder/</Set>

und fügen dort die URL ein an dem die Dokumentation entpackt wurde.